Aug 28, 2008


In other news, I still don't own a PS3. Or an X-Box 360.
I recently came upon a modest windfall of cash that was earmarked for a console purchase...but I can't decide which way to go.

X-Box 360: Great, full library of games; brilliant on-line interface; cheaper hardware; more used games available cheap due to the amount of time it's been on the market (a big plus for me); backwards compatibility to X-Box games. Downsides of course are the notorious and still very real Red Ring of Death and Microsoft's sad customer service response, and a lack of support for a viable high-definition DVD medium.

PS3: Blu-ray support and a whole lot of potential which has yet to be tapped. Downsides are the very limited library of games, the higher cost of...everything, and the fact that so many of the games thus far are bad ports of the PS3 versions.

I have loved - and burned out - one each of the original PS and the PS2, and while I have an X-Box I've spent more time with the Sony product(s). As great as the X-Box 360 is - and it really is great (or...would be if not for the RRoD) - it's much closer to the end of its lifecycle, and the full capabilities of the PS3 have barely been scraped.

My pragmatic side says to get the 360 and a stack of second-hand games.

My remaining techie/gamer genes say to find a good deal on a PS3 (as though they go on sale).

What to do...


Sboucher said...

Short and sweet comment...

It is a dilemma, cash vs fun factor really. I for one am very happy with the PS3 purchase even with it's limited game base. The games I have purchased thus far have keep my limited game playing time very lively and fun.

I'll plop down 45-60 dollars on a game every other month or so and it keeps me pretty satisfied (as most the games i buy have multiplayer components).

Of course with the recent addition of trophies, i can dust off some of the Playstation Network downloadable games to keep ahead of my friends in those ranks as well.

The next few months will be very exciting as well with the addition of Little Big Planet and Resistance 2 not to mention whenever Sony FINALLY released Home.

Bluray... since I have a projector, it made all the sense in the.... well... world, to buy a PS3 rather than an Xbox. Man have you ever seen Planet Earth on a 130" screen? Better then a trip to the zoo (I know as I just went... snooze city).

I could go on more... but then that would defeat my initial typing above. *shrug*

Happy gaming which-ever you may choose *ps3* :)

Sboucher said...

Here also is a thread for any Xbox 360 shoppers out there.

The short and sweet is that Microsoft Never properly tested their machines which yielded in the said flustercuck.

Happy Reading,

Cruncher said...

Wow - thanks for the tip, nadamucho...very, very interesting article. I of course knew about the chronic RRoDs, but only via oft-told anecdotes. For anyone interested (and it's a good read), the actual article is here:

I am with you for the most part as far as video gaming goes: I buy a game every 6 weeks or so and play the living hell out of it. I try to buy everything used or late in its life so as to save a few bucks. There are a few exceptions (and they all seem to be just around the corner; Fallout 3, RockBand 2, and FIFA '09) but my M.O. has been the same for many years now...

Oh - and for the record, if I didn't make it clear: I got an 80 gig PS3 last weekend. It is a miracle device. The 360 is a delightful machine - or has the potential to be, if it stayed up and running - but the PS3 is a monster. Absolutely amazing.